Falling for Love Page 11
Emmy’s eyes softened. “Since Heather. You can say it.”
“Blimey, you’re over the half-century mark. Sure you can handle her?”
Emmy swatted at Becca. They went indoors and refreshed their hot drinks. Emmy was surprised when Becca stood and went to the bar to spike hers with a shot of brandy.
“It’s only ten,” Emmy scolded.
“Here, but its three p.m. at home.”
“By the way, what’s up with the cigarettes? You haven’t smoked in years.”
“Ah, did Jordan rat me out?”
“No. Your clothes reek. You’re lucky we let you sit down to breakfast. What’s up? I asked you about Olivia yesterday, and you avoided my question. Are you two having problems?”
Emmy could tell she hit a nerve as Becca sighed then threw another splash of brandy in the cup before sitting on the sofa with a thud.
“You know I love her.”
“Yes. I believe you two should be celebrating your second anniversary soon. Why the long face?”
Becca sat up and took a healthy swig of her spiked coffee. “She wants a baby.”
Emmy shrugged. “So? I thought you two had talked about that possibility before and you were receptive to the idea. Or were you holding back your true feelings?”
Becca’s face scrunched up and she bit her lip. “She wants to get pregnant soon. Like right away.” Becca’s voice rose in volume with a tone of near panic, and her words spilled out faster. “Pregnant, Em! A tiny life-form that cries and shits and eventually talks back when it becomes a teenager. Crikey, we’ll be old when the little snot is at university!”
Becca’s tone startled Emmy. “I don’t think you’re going to endear yourself to Olivia by referring to a child as an ‘it’ or ‘little snot.’”
“Dammit, Em. I don’t want a child!”
“Okay, but have you told her? As in calmly sit down and talk about the pros and cons. Have you honestly thought about her point of view?”
“Pros? Are you listening?” Becca’s face was red. “I don’t want a child, let alone a tiny baby.”
“Shit, Becca, avoiding a life-changing conversation is not going to solve anything. For Christ’s sake, don’t throw away your love because you haven’t thought it through. Muster up some bravery and talk to her. Olivia deserves the courtesy. And ignoring her and her feelings is downright cruel. You’re not an asshole, so stop acting like one.” Emmy knew Becca well enough to understand she didn’t want to end her marriage. She pushed harder. “Are you sure you don’t want a child? You’ve got enough money to hire a nanny and for Olivia to stay at home.”
“Guess you’d know my money situation since you’re still my portfolio manager.” Becca rubbed her face. “It’s not about money, Em. And yes, it scares the crap out of me.” She squared her body to face Emmy and raised her eyebrow. “By the way, how old is Jordan?”
Emmy rolled her eyes. “It’s not the same thing.”
“That wasn’t my question. She’s younger than you. I can tell. How much younger?”
Emmy sighed. “She turns forty next month.”
Becca beamed. “She’s got a little cougar crush going.”
“Twelve and a half years is not a big deal to me. Sharing the same core values and heading in the same general direction in life are more important than age. Now stop deflecting. We’re talking about you and Olivia.”
“Yeah, it’s easy to dish but hard to take. Think about you and Jordan. She’s young enough. Does she want to ever have a child?”
The thought had never crossed Emmy’s mind. Yet, she knew it was a good point. “I’m not sure.”
“Ah-ha, got you on that one. See, not so easy, is it?” Becca’s eyes were gleaming now.
Emmy rose to refill her tea. “I’m not the one married. You are.”
Becca huffed. “Let’s move on. Talking about Olivia and the little snot is depressing.”
Emmy shot Becca a harsh look. “Stop being an asshole!”
“Fine, I’m joking. I’ll think about it…the situation…possibility…whatever, and I’ll not call a baby a little snot. Let’s move to neutral ground. What about DC? Do you have things lined up for Friday and Saturday?”
Emmy booted up her laptop. “The agent sent me a custom pdf with several properties. We’ve got a day and a half to tour them. I booked two rooms at the Hotel Palomar for both nights.”
“Jordan knows, right?”
“Of course. I’ve been trying to entice her to take the weekend off, but no luck. Here. Look through this pdf and tell me what you think.”
“Em, I hate to point out the obvious. The long-distance thing is seriously going to crimp your new relationship even if you both cut your working hours.”
“Jordan is special, and I’m not only talking about her killer body. I want to make it work. The job is only part-time, and I can work on my private financial business anywhere.”
“Sorry, mate. Didn’t mean to hurt you.” Becca patted Emmy’s hand. “I’ve missed you. Before India, you used to drop by the set occasionally, and we’d have a monthly dinner while you would make my eyes cross talking about my financial situation.” Becca laughed. There was a bit of silence before Becca spoke again. Her voice cracked. “I looked forward to you moving back to the UK after the India job. Now you’re here.” She gave a halfhearted smile. “If the fireworks shooting out from your entire body are any clue, I’d say you might be staying in America for a lot longer than any previous job.”
“That’s a distinct possibility, but I’ll never abandon my old chums.” She wrapped her arm around Becca’s shoulder. They needed to get the apartment hunting out of the way. Yet as the job date came closer, the move was beginning to worry her.
Chapter Sixteen
Robby peered over at Jordan and walked to her station. She was not prepping according to the menu. Oblivious to her surroundings, she spread duxelles onto homemade crêpes then transferred two large seared beef tenderloins onto the crêpes and wrapped them.
“Yum. Beef Wellington.”
She jumped. “You snuck up on me.”
“Sorry. I didn’t know you accepted special orders. Do we have British VIPs visiting?”
Jordan shrugged. “Friends who are British. I thought I’d cook them something special since it’s slow.”
Robby got a kick out of ribbing Jordan. “Well, if you don’t mind, please fix some extra. I’d like to have some later.”
“Sure thing. Oh, any chance I can take this weekend off? Being short notice, I understand if it’s not possible.”
“Hmm, let me think,” Robby put on a serious face and rubbed his index finger against his lips. He was enjoying purposely making her wait. “Several days off, fixing a special dinner, and contemplating taking the weekend off.” He grinned. “Anything I should know?”
“Nope.” She scrunched her shoulders and turned toward the spice rack, partially hiding her face.
“Why, I think that’d be wonderful. You can use a little R & R.”
Robby slapped her on the back and walked away chuckling to himself. He could see a positive change in Jordan. She seemed happier and carefree lately. He was certain of one thing. Whoever was coming to dinner was in for a culinary delight prepared with love and joy.
An hour later, Robby was worried. The maître d’ had just announced Robby’s wife had arrived for dinner. He was in shock and silently kicked himself for his careless stupidity. He had called Linda earlier, gossiping almost like a teenager. He never thought she would come to the restaurant to spy on Jordan’s friends.
“Wow,” Jordan said to him after hearing Linda had arrived. “That’s good luck. There’s plenty of food. You and Linda should join us.”
“That’s a lovely idea, Jordan, but we wouldn’t want to impose on your dinner.”
“Please, I insist. There’s plenty of food. The staff can handle any orders that come into the kitchen this late at night.”
He nodded. “I’ll start setting the table.” W
alking into the dining room, he gave his wife a wicked look and whispered, “This is pretty low, Linda. Jordan has now invited us to eat with her guests. Don’t you dare tell her I called you. Look as if you are utterly surprised and in awe.” He shuffled about, helping put together the table. They had just sat down when Jordan came out of the kitchen.
“Linda, nice to see you again.” The two hugged. “How’s your dad doing? Has he fully recovered from his fall?”
“Wonderful. Thanks for asking. Yes, he’s hopping around like nothing happened.”
As the two friends released their embrace, Emmy and Becca entered and were ushered to the table.
Jordan hadn’t planned on this twist for the evening, but she vowed to make it through. After all, if Robby and Linda were her friends. They wouldn’t care one way or the other.
“Robby and Linda, I’d like you to meet my friends, Emmy and Becca.”
Jordan’s mind quickly shifted. How would she handle possible probing questions? The thought didn’t linger long as the radiance of Emmy washed over her. After half a glass of wine, she excused herself to the kitchen to finish the meal. She brushed off Robby’s insistence to help. Before departing, she absentmindedly squeezed Emmy’s shoulder.
Promptly at eight, she brought out the meal. Everyone was laughing and having fun as if they were old friends. Linda had recognized Becca from the BBC soap operas and peppered her with tons of questions. At one point, the two were deep in character and scene discussions. The laughter helped Jordan push aside her worries. These were her friends.
Robby hopped out of his seat when he saw Jordan’s hands full. “Sit down and enjoy yourself. I’ll carve the meat.”
She took him up on his offer and sat along the plush wall bench next to Emmy. Her leg brushed up against Emmy’s, and she suppressed a deep intake of air. The touch made her want to drop everything and take her home now.
“I poured you a glass of Rioja. I thought it would be good to aerate for more flavor,” Emmy whispered and slipped her hand under the table as Jordan was adjusting her linen napkin. “Although, it’s not as satisfying as the other night.”
Jordan squeezed Emmy’s hand. “Thank you.”
Throughout the evening, Emmy and Jordan casually touched from a friendly pat on the hand above the table to Emmy brazenly slipping her hand under the table to caress Jordan’s upper thigh. Since the conversation, laughter, and wine flowed, Jordan didn’t think anyone caught on. The more it occurred, especially under the tablecloth, the more intense her feelings became. Jordan had never taken risks like this before. It was wildly exciting and maddening all at once. Thank God, Linda and Becca carried most of the conversation.
They lingered past the restaurant closing with everyone having a jolly time. Soon, Jordan went to excuse herself to help clean up the kitchen.
“Oh no, you don’t.” Jo appeared out of nowhere and gently nudged Jordan to sit. “I’ve got it covered. By the way, I hope you all left room for the dessert.” A waiter placed the almond-and-jam-flavored Bakewell pudding on the table. Another was right behind with fresh coffee and tea.
“Bon appétit.”
“Wow, I thought I was coming to a Spanish tapas restaurant. You’ve gone out of your way to fix a scrumptious traditional British meal, and that’s one of my favorite desserts. Thank you for the hospitality.” Becca beamed.
Emmy laid her hand on top of Jordan’s. “Yes, thank you. I didn’t expect such lavish food. Thank you for taking the time.”
“You’re welcome.” Jordan glanced at everyone, but her gaze lingered on Emmy.
It was almost ten thirty when the group rose to depart. Jo assured Jordan that everything was under control. “Skedaddle, y’all, before I get the broom and chase you out.”
Jordan gently placed her hand on the small of Emmy’s back as everyone was saying their goodbyes. She gushed watching the sparkle in Emmy’s eyes and how everyone was at ease and jovial. All at once, she noticed a figure looking in through the front picture window. Her blood ran cold. Outside, the creep stood with his face pressed up to the glass, grinning at her in his camouflaged jacket. At least he wasn’t wearing the damn sunglasses. She thought his eyes were light colored, but it was impossible to make out details from the distance, and she was not going to give him the satisfaction of returning his glare.
She had to get them out of there. “It’s been a pleasure but I’m beat, and Emmy’s got some chores tomorrow for her aunt. Of course, Becca needs her beauty sleep.”She pushed Emmy, not too harshly but with a purpose.
Emmy leaned over. “Are you in a hurry to get me into bed?”
“Yep.” Jordan chanced another look back at the window. He was gone. All she wanted was to get home. Tomorrow, she’d order security cameras for the house and have maintenance performed on the store system. She’d also ask around. Maybe somebody had some information about this vagabond. She hoped he wasn’t a mental case.
Robby slid into the passenger seat. “Well, that was a fantastic meal and evening. Now we know her special guest is a famous British actress. Although, I would never have known if it wasn’t for you watching those BBC shows.”
Linda giggled. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“You missed it, silly.”
“Missed what?”
“Her special guest wasn’t the actress. Her special guest was that blond, Emmy, that she was flirting with all night.”
“Flirting? What are you talking about? I didn’t hear any flirting going on?”
Linda roared in laughter. “Darling, it wasn’t verbal. The stolen glances and the brushing of hands. Emmy continuously touched Jordan when making a point. She didn’t do that with Becca.”
“What?” Robby was dumbfounded. It appeared to him that Jordan and Emmy knew one another better, but he was sure the special meal was for the famous actress.
“From the look in Jordan’s eyes, I’d say she and Emmy are quite an item.” Linda stopped laughing and dropped her voice. “And, I think hands were under the table a time or two.”
“You’re speaking like they are lovers.”
“Well, I’m thrilled that Jordan has finally found someone. There’s not exactly a large population of gays in our community. Emmy seems so sweet, and they’re such a cute couple.”
Robby scrunched his face up. “What gives you the idea Jordan’s a lesbian? Linda, you’ve got to be careful.”
“Don’t tell me you’ve got a problem with it!”
“Of course not. I think the world of her, but I don’t think she’s gay.”
“I can’t believe you’re that blind. Yes, Jordan’s a knockout and every man, no matter what age, notices. Yet, she pays them no mind other than to be the polite, smiling proprietor.”
Robby looked at her in his befuddled innocent way. “What in the world makes you think she’s gay? Because she doesn’t date much?”
“She doesn’t date at all. Plus, I’ve caught her eyeing a few women a bit longer than normal. She always follows up with a compliment on jewelry or clothing. And don’t forget, I had a lesbian friend in college. I’ve got a little gaydar.”
Robby’s mouth hung open, and he leaned back in the seat. As Linda drove off, he pondered whether Jordan was gay or if Linda was off her rocker. He valued his friendship and business association with Jordan and only wanted the best for her. And if looks and mannerisms were any measure, then Emmy had a boatload of beauty and style and her humor dazzled everyone.
Becca was giggling in the passenger seat.
“What are you cracking up about?”
Becca couldn’t stop herself and soon had Emmy joining in. Their uncontrollable laughter went on for several minutes.
“Stop it. I have to drive, you lunatic.” Tears rolled down Emmy’s face. “What’s so funny anyway?”
“Oh my Lord.” Becca caught a couple of deep breaths before continuing. “You two were like a teenage coupl
e on a date.”
“No, we weren’t.”
“You flirted with her all night, and she ate it up. I thought the idea was to keep things quiet until next month?”
Emmy knew she had flirted with Jordan but played coy. “It’s in your head.”
“I’m positive that Linda picked up on some of it. I’m not sure Robby did. Like most guys, it likely went over his head.”
“Okay, but don’t say anything. She’s come a long way in accepting and loving herself. I don’t want her to lose that courage, and I don’t want to frighten her.”
Becca made a gesture of zipping her lips.
“I mean it, Becca. Promise me.”
“I promise.”
About that time, Jordan pulled up in front of Emmy’s car. All Emmy could think about was getting into bed and snuggling. She didn’t believe in love at first sight, but that theory was being blown to hell. She was going to miss Jordan this weekend.
Chapter Seventeen
Apartment shopping in DC was exhausting. Even though Becca was helping, Emmy missed Jordan. In truth, she was a little dejected that Jordan didn’t take time off and join them. Looking at various apartments on Friday was like torture, and Becca insisting on a dinner drained all of Emmy’s strength. The plan was to sleep late Saturday morning. Now she was being interrupted by an irritating thumping on the door.
Emmy rolled over and glanced at the clock. Maybe, it’s not my door. She closed her eyes, but the knock grew louder. She snapped out of the warm bed. Whoever it is, better have a damn good excuse. If it’s Becca, she’s toast. Plodding through the room and squinting out of the peephole, she saw Jordan and instantly perked up all over. She swung the door open and stood with her hand on her hip.
Jordan thrust red roses toward her. “For the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Abruptly, Jordan’s mouth dropped, and her gaze traveled down Emmy’s body.
“I’m delighted you changed your mind. Are you going to come in and undress me or are you simply going to do it with your eyes?” Jordan continued to gawk. “Enough.” Emmy grabbed her by the coat collar, pulled her inside, and shut the door.