Falling for Love Page 10
Jordan rose and took off her bra and panties. Facing one another, inches apart, they gently explored. The contrast of her dark skin and Emmy’s pale creamy breasts drove Jordan to the edge. Throbbing with excitement, she tightly pressed flesh against flesh and kissed Emmy ravenously. Her hands roamed, unable to satisfy her urge quickly enough.
Emmy broke it off and shoved Jordan onto the bed. “Lie back and relax,” she said, wagging a finger. “I’ll be right back.”
Jordan was confused. Damn, she’s had me on the brink several times. What now?
When Emmy returned carrying two silk neck scarves, Jordan was pleased.
“You told me to bring handcuffs. I figured these would do. Now lie down and obey me, and I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
Positioning herself on top, Emmy loosely tied Jordan’s wrists to the bed frame. When Jordan stretched out to take a mouthful, Emmy pulled away.
“I’m in charge. You’re going to have to tell me how bad you want it.”
“Please, what?”
“Please, before I explode.”
“Ah, now that’s better.”
Emmy rubbed her pelvis against Jordan and leaned forward. Soon, Jordan slipped out of the scarves.
“Uh-uh. What’s the magic word?” Emmy sat up.
“Please, let me touch you!” Jordan pleaded through labored gasps.
Emmy twirled Jordan’s hair, and her lust-filled eyes bore into her. Her body began to grind harder. Jordan’s hands squeezed the well-endowed breasts and kneaded the taut buds. At the right moment, Emmy would bend farther, allowing Jordan to take a mouthful. Jordan eagerly sucked one while kneading the other.
As the breathing grew heavier, Jordan flipped Emmy on her back. She kissed Emmy’s face and neck with an unquenchable thirst as her hand slid down Emmy’s body and teased the apex of her desire before entering the wet folds at last. With long, teasing strokes, she dragged her mouth down Emmy’s body until she was positioned over her throbbing core. Taking a firm grip on her hips, she made soft swirls around her clit with her tongue before sucking forcefully.
Emmy clinched Jordan’s hair and breathlessly shouted, “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
The plea delighted Jordan. She worked hard to hear Emmy cry out in sheer pleasure. Each gasp and muscle contraction drove her on. When Emmy exploded, Jordan gradually eased off until Emmy’s body relaxed and her breathing calmed. Jordan scooted up and lay next to her with her face propped up on one bent arm. Her fingertips delicately drew circles on Emmy’s stomach.
“Did I please you?”
Emmy’s eyes popped open. “Oh. My. God. Yes. That was bloody amazing, and I thought I was the one in control.”
Jordan shot her a look with a mock appearance of sternness. “It’s my house. You play by my rules. I let you think you were in control.”
“Is that so? Well, I’ll have to let you take control more often because I seem to have gotten the better deal.”
“Oh, I’m not entirely sure. It was enjoyable to please you, and my body was tingling all the way.”
“Well, I didn’t hear you cry out. So, I’ll have to correct that.” Emmy rolled on top of Jordan, and her hand gently glided over Jordan’s skin and cupped her sex, gently stroking.
“Harder.” Jordan moaned.
Emmy lavished Jordan’s upper body and slipped two fingers into Jordan’s core. Jordan whimpered and groaned as Emmy sucked her breasts while applying just the right rhythm and pressure. When Jordan was close to climaxing, Emmy’s mouth moved down. While rubbing, she deftly nibbled and sucked Jordan’s center.
Jordan moaned louder as the tempo quickened. “Keep going,” she begged. “That’s perfect. Right there.” Her muscles tightened and her breath hitched. She pleaded with Emmy through gasps. “Harder.” When her body began to uncontrollably pulsate, she could not suppress her small screams, and her body jerked with the climax. Soon both women lay on their backs, their energy spent.
Emmy rolled over into the crook of Jordan’s arm. “Happy?”
“Absolutely. I like a girlfriend who equally gives and takes pleasure.”
Emmy’s eyes lit up. “Girlfriend. Is that a passing title or shall I count on that outside of the bedroom?”
Jordan smiled and kissed her forehead. “I don’t know. You’re more refined than me. Will you have me as your girlfriend?”
“Depends. Can you make more time for me?”
Jordan giggled. “Yes. You know, I don’t want to go to sleep, but we’re going to have to shovel snow tomorrow and get your friend at the airport.”
“I don’t need much sleep.”
“That’s suits me.”
They cuddled and made love again before falling asleep early in the morning. Jordan reveled in Emmy’s warmth. It all felt so right.
Chapter Fourteen
Jordan made coffee with a grin on her face. She had told herself that she was never going to get emotionally attached to anyone again. Now, here she was all warm and fuzzy and hopeful. She was over the moon about Emmy and had made up her mind. She was going to finally tell her family. No more hiding.
Slipping on her coat, boots, hat, and gloves, she intended to shovel the walkway and take a brief stroll while Emmy slept. Outside, she was met with a good five inches of snow. The forecasters had missed the mark again. After the strenuous shoveling, she went back inside to call Robby.
As usual, Robby sounded chipper. “Morning. What’s up, boss? My town street has already been plowed, but I imagine I won’t see you until later this afternoon.”
“Yeah. Mind if I take today off?”
“Hello. Hello. Who are you and what have you done with Jordan? I don’t have much money to pay for ransom.”
“Cute wisecrack.”
“So, should I call someone to come help plow you out or do you already have someone who’s there to help?”
Jordan smiled. “I can take care of it myself, and mind your own business.” Emmy had also entered the room in Jordan’s oversized plush robe—hair disheveled, no makeup, and looking gorgeous. “Robby, I have to go, but I promise I’ll make the best of the day.” She winked at Emmy and hung up.
“I felt a warm peace last night.” Emmy flashed that beautiful smile and looked at the snow out the window, her arms around Jordan. “How are we going to get out of here?” she asked sheepishly.
“I’ll have it plowed in no time with my blade on the SUV.”
“Silly, your SUV’s totaled. I don’t think your plow will fit the Outback.”
“Good point. Well, I’ve got a smaller blade for my ATV. We’ve got time. Let’s have breakfast first and I’ll plow as you get ready. It won’t take me long.”
Emmy snickered.
Jordan furrowed her brows. “What?”
Emmy’s snickering continued a bit before settling into a broad smile. “It shouldn’t take me long to freshen up as I slept in the nude. I have no clean clothes or toiletries here. If you forgot, then let me refresh your memory.” With a sultry look, she stopped at the door and dropped the robe, beckoning Jordan to follow before disappearing into the bedroom.
All kinds of fireworks lit Jordan’s body, and bells and whistles rattled through her head. She hurried into the bedroom as best she could. Last night under candlelight had been amazing; today in the light should be earth shattering.
They were a bit late picking Becca up, and their plan was to blame it on the snow. Stepping into the lobby, Emmy found Becca and the two women hugged as if they hadn’t seen one another for years.
“Damn, it’s bloody cold here. I might have to get another coat. Want to have a drink before we go?”
Emmy smiled. “Another time. Jordan’s waiting in the Subaru because we couldn’t find a parking space.”
“Jordan?” Becca cocked one eyebrow.
“Yes. I’ve met someone here.”
“Wow. You’ve been here a month and already hooked up. So, I assume by your smile that thi
s Jordan and you have become intimate.” Becca might be reserved and polite to the public, but she had a habit of losing her inhibitions when speaking to her dearest friend.
“It’s not a hookup. I really like her. And mind your own business.” Emmy bumped her friend.
Becca abruptly stopped and grabbed Emmy’s arm. “I get it. This is what the wild and wonderful West Virginia motto means. I must be careful since I’m taken.”
Emmy punched her in the arm. “Come on, silly. Tell me how is Olivia?”
Becca was silent. When Emmy glanced at her old friend, she saw Becca’s jaw tighten and feared bad news. Becca and Olivia had tied the knot almost two years ago and always seemed to be the perfect couple.
Becca bit her lip and finally spit out. “It’s a little complicated right now. Let’s talk about it later. So, where’s your new girl?”
The two walked out of the lobby chatting and introductions were made. “Emmy didn’t mention you were the BBC drama actor Rebecca Young,” Jordan said as they shook hands. “A friend of mine back in Spain had the hots for you and watched whenever you were on. She was so happy when you came out.”
Becca smiled. “Well, Emmy never told me she was dating a cutie who was a master chef at one of Madrid’s hottest restaurants.”
“You’re not a wacko culinary groupie, are you?”
“Ah, I’m fancy good food. My agent is always getting on me to drop a few. He was cheesed off when I gained half a bloody stone on holiday, but I love my bangers and bitter, and I have been known to get on the piss.” Becca had shifted to a harsh working-class accent, and Jordan clearly had no idea what any of the slang meant by her twisted expression.
Emmy swirled around, arching her eyebrow.
“What?” Becca chuckled. “Sorry, just messing with you. Let me say it in some words a Yankee like yourself might understand.” As if on cue, Becca replied in an upscale London accent. “What I said was that I enjoy food. I gained nearly eight pounds during my last vacation, and my agent was extremely upset with me. While I love gourmet food, there’s nothing like a sausage with a cold beer. I’ve also been known to outdrink my friends from time to time, including the men, and get extremely intoxicated.” The women laughed.
The trip home was entertaining, to say the least. Before arriving in Oakville, a call came in on the vehicle’s Bluetooth.
“Hi, Jordan. Is Emmy with you?”
Emmy piped up. “Yes, Auntie. You’re on speakerphone.”
“Hi, dear. The furnace has quit. I’m going to stay with a friend until it’s fixed because that woodstove just doesn’t keep me warm upstairs. Jordan, is it possible they can stay with you until it’s repaired?”
“No problem, Betty Jean.”
“See you girls later. Bye.”
From the backseat, Becca leaned forward between the bucket seats. “Awkward. I hope you two don’t make too many loud sounds.”
Emmy whipped around. “Becca, mind your manners.”
“You of all people should know I have none.”
Becca had always needled Emmy with jokes whenever possible. It was a good sign and meant Becca felt comfortable around Jordan.
Jordan reached out and squeezed Emmy’s hand.
She smiled at Jordan and settled into her seat, relishing the thoughts of them making love the night before and this morning. The clean boy shorts Jordan had given her were stretchy and comfortable, and she was wearing one of Jordan’s blouses.
When they reached Jordan’s driveway, Becca joked once again. “You wild mountain women do have running water, don’t you? Or will I be forced to use an outhouse.”
Jordan snipped, “Please stop cracking that joke.”
“Sorry, mate. Just having a bit of fun. I don’t mean to offend.” Becca meekly replied.
“I know you intend no harm, but please stop. There is a social group of women in our county that are called the Wild Mountain Women. They are lovers of the great outdoors, and my mother is one of them.”
Becca’s impish grin turned to stone-cold horror. “Oh my Lord, my apologies. I honestly did not mean to offend.”
Emmy tried to lighten the mood. “You’ll have to forgive Becca. She lives in Brighton on the south shore. Obviously, the elevation of Oakville is high enough to drain the smarts out of her brain.”
Jordan remained stoic. “Anyway, I know you had no idea. Many of them, like my mom, watch BBC shows. You don’t want to insult someone, especially a fan.”
“Absolutely. I won’t mention it again. Sorry.”
“No harm was done. Let’s forget about it.”
“I’ve got fans here?” Becca asked astonished.
Jordan chuckled. “There’s another joke folks don’t like to hear. I will share it with you but don’t repeat it!” She smirked and glanced between Emmy and Becca. “Satellite dishes are the official West Virginia state flower. And yes, they pick up BBC shows. I’m sure you have fans here.” The somber mood was broken as all the women laughed.
As they crested the last hill, the mountain house looked like a stylish mix of tradition and modern architecture with stone, timbers, and lots of glass.
Becca let out a whistle as she stepped into the house. “Nice. Warm, inviting, spacious, and modern.”
“She did a fantastic job with the design.” Emmy threw her arm around Jordan kissing her on the cheek.
“Your room is on the lower level. Plenty of privacy and an entertainment room with a flat screen.” Jordan motioned toward the stairs.
Becca cracked up. “Ah, now I know. You’re going to put me in the dungeon for being a bad girl.”
“Precisely. Emmy can show you to your room. You can get settled while I work on dinner.”
Chapter Fifteen
Jordan gently kissed the top of Emmy’s head as she quietly crawled out of bed. Half-asleep, she slipped on the PJs that had been hastily thrown to the side the night before. She had put Becca in the downstairs basement bedroom to give everyone privacy.
As she moved into the kitchen, the smell of strong coffee filled her nostrils. Gee, this could grow hair on my chest. Cringing as she sniffed the pot, she tossed it down the drain to make a new brew.
Jordan slipped on her coat and stepped out onto the deck for some fresh air. The foul smell of cigarette smoke hit her immediately. Becca was sitting on the patio wrapped in a blanket looking out at the mountain. The obnoxious smoke curled upward and ruined a perfectly tranquil morning. Jordan retreated back inside.
By the time Emmy sauntered into the kitchen, Jordan had breakfast on the table. Emmy walked up behind her and gave her a soft hug and kiss on the neck.
“Smells good.”
“I hope you like your omelet southwestern style.”
“I love anything you cook.” Emmy brushed her hand through Jordan’s hair, down her back, and gave her butt a squeeze.
“Heh, no hanky-panky. Did you forget your friend is staying in the house with us?”
“Is she even up?”
“I saw her on the patio outside the guest suite puffing on a cancer stick.”
Emmy scrunched her eyebrows. “She hasn’t smoked for years except when she gets really upset.”
Jordan kissed her softly on the lips and changed the subject. “I’m sorry I work so much. I wish I could go with you and Becca to DC this weekend.”
“Me too.”
The reality that Emmy would be living part-time in DC bothered Jordan. Would their new relationship fizzle? Was her paranoia based on her own past in DC? Why was this bothering her now? Then it occurred to her: Becca’s strong coffee with cigarette smoke reminded her of the wretched smell of pool halls and the dark corners of DC hangouts.
Her sadness must have shown. Emmy leaned in and played with her hair. “Jordan, she’s helping me find a place. We are friends and nothing more. Trust between us is essential for our relationship to grow.”
“I believe you. I just hate to see you leave Oakville.”
�s a part-time job.”
“I know. What I mean is”—Jordan bit the corner of her mouth—“I’m afraid this small town won’t hold your interest, and I’ll never see you again.”
Emmy cocked her eyebrow and wrapped her arms around Jordan. “You’ll be seeing me on long weekends, and I expect for you to visit me in DC. And yes, this town is small and quirky but it has its charms, especially one who has chocolate-brown eyes, silky skin, and a captivating personality. Of course, cuddling and mind-blowing sex will have me crawling back.”
“What was that about mind-blowing sex?” Becca whizzed around the corner.
Emmy snapped, “Oi, is your mind always in one place?”
“Yes. So, carry on. Don’t let me interrupt the entertaining conversation. Speaking of delicious, which one’s my plate?” Becca grinned. Emmy picked up a piece of apple and threw it at her.
“Food fight.” Becca howled and picked up a slice of banana.
“Ladies, please. Not in my kitchen.”
“Oh my, she sounds like a stern nun.” Becca’s mouth drew up in an exaggerated pout.
“This kitchen is my sanctuary. Keep it clean.” Jordan’s voice was firm, yet, her half smile gave her away. “Throw that,” she said, pointing a finger at Emmy, “and I’ll give you a spanking.”
Emmy smiled and threw the piece of apple at Becca.
Emmy was looking forward to spending time with her old friend but hated to see Jordan go. While she hadn’t said the words, she was falling hard and suspected Jordan felt the same. She ravaged Jordan’s lips and was delighted that Jordan didn’t protest even though Becca was still standing on the front porch.
“Oi, it’s bloody freezing out here, and you two have to come up for air sometime.”
Emmy reluctantly parted from Jordan and addressed Becca. “Yes, Mum.”
“Come by for dinner tonight, please?” Jordan asked. “Say around seven thirty. I’ll cook you something special.”
“With sweet anticipation.”
Emmy stood in the driveway as Jordan drove away.
“Gee, Em, you’ve got it bad for that woman. I haven’t seen this puppy dog love since—” Becca stopped herself.