Falling for Love Page 12
“I missed you,” Jordan said through a breathless kiss. “You’re beautiful.”
“Even with my wild morning hair?”
“Even with your hair. Your cute tight white tank top and skimpy black bikini underwear thinly disguise my treat underneath.” Jordan brushed her hand down Emmy’s front then lifted the shirt to kiss her nipples.
“You’re skilled, but I doubt you can hold a bouquet in a vase with one hand and make love to me with the other.”
“Umm. Watch me,” she said through mouthfuls.
“Jordan, our bodies sprawled over roses may have looked sexy in Imagine Me & You, but I don’t fancy thorns in my bum. And spilling the water from the vase is not what I think of as wet. Although you’re doing an excellent job getting me there.” Emmy ran her hands through Jordan’s hair.
“I’ll put them down and we’re going back to bed. I want an early breakfast of you.” Jordan put the roses on a table near the window and turned on a lamp. The soft light illuminated the space. “Now I can admire my catch.”
Emmy grabbed Jordan’s hand to guide her to the bed. “Becca and I have lunch scheduled at eleven with the realtor followed by apartment hunting. So let’s make every minute count.”
The apartments the realtor showed them were a tad out of Emmy’s price range and not in the locations she preferred. She had hoped to live near her job. Things were not turning out as she imagined. DC was much more expensive. Like every city, people around here saved by living farther out and paying the price with a killer commute time and auto expenses. If she wanted to be within Metro or walking distance, she’d have to pay more, a lot more. By the end of the day, she was looking forward to a good meal.
“The valet has the vehicle waiting for us out front. After you.” Jordan motioned to the door. She had an extra spring in her step and a wide grin.
“We need to wait for Becca.”
“She won’t be coming tonight.” Jordan stepped closer and whispered, “I talked to her about us dining alone. Shall we go?”
“Oh, yes.” As they stepped out to the curb, Emmy lit up. “You got a new SUV!”
“Yes, a Subaru Forester. It’s practical, a great retail value, and handles like a champ in snow. Do you like it?”
“Love it.”
They held hands on the way to the restaurant, and all Emmy could think about was how perfect her hand fit into Jordan’s. Everything seemed so right.
The next day, Jordan and Emmy were sleeping soundly in one another’s arms when the phone rang.
“Oi, you two coming to breakfast? It’s eight thirty, and the place is filling up. Should I get us a table?”
Emmy glanced at the clock. “Shit.”
“Sorry. We slept in. See you in half an hour.”
Emmy ended the call and slapped Jordan on the rear. “Up lazybones. We have to hustle. We forgot to set the alarm.” Jordan groaned as Emmy ran to the shower.
Downstairs, breakfast was rather quiet, and Emmy figured that everyone was exhausted. She and Jordan had nearly finished while Becca was pushing her food around on the plate. Is she thinking about a child with Olivia again?
Jordan extended a handshake across the table. “Becca, it’s been a pleasure to spend more time with you. I wish you and Olivia all the best. You know, you’re welcome to visit anytime.”
“Thank you for everything, Jordan. Perhaps we will visit in the spring or summer.”
Jordan slipped her arm around Emmy and kissed her on the cheek. “See you later. Drive safe and give me a call after you drop Becca at Dulles.”
Emmy smiled at Jordan’s tender display of public affection and grabbed her shirt, pulling her in for a proper kiss. Emmy loved how she was relaxed in the city and hoped it would continue after she came out at home. “Bye. See you soon.”
Watching Jordan walk away, Emmy was infatuated and oblivious to Becca’s presence until she cleared her throat. Turning, she found Becca studying her with a weak smile. She expected Becca to break out in a giggle or crack a funny remark at any time, but her friend’s smile faded and was replaced by a dark scowl. Her eyes were an odd dark color.
Emmy scrunched her eyebrows. “What’s bothering you, Becca?”
Becca sipped her brew. She tapped her fingers on the table before gesturing to the waiter for service. After asking for fresh tea, a sullen Becca leaned back and crossed her arms. Her eyes bore into Emmy.
Emmy was concerned. “This isn’t like you to give anyone the silent treatment. Speak your mind.”
Becca stiffened, rested her elbows on the table, and leaned in to look Emmy in the eye. “You’re my best friend and a sister I never had. I know Jordan makes you happy, and it’s good to see you enjoying life again. But please, take it slow. Think about what it would mean if you two became serious. Jordan doesn’t strike me as a woman who wants to leave her town, and I can’t see you living in Oakville even half the week. How soon would living there in the backwoods of America wear off?”
Emmy’s hand flew up. “Stop right there!” A few heads in the restaurant turned.
In a whispered shout, Becca snapped, “Get real, Em! You’re a city girl, and you’ve lived your entire life in Europe.”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Two or three weeks on vacation or visiting your American cousins doesn’t count.”
“Jesus, Becca. I work in a traditional, male-dominated field. I put up with all kinds of crap. And the last post in India was not exactly a hotbed of thrills. Populated yes but still misogynistic and culturally different from other places I’ve lived.”
“Well, I bet more lesbians were hiding in the clubs and western hotels in Chennai than in Jordan’s remote neck of the woods.”
Emmy pursed her lips. “Perhaps, but I ran across few because it is a lot more dangerous to come out in India than America. And that’s not the point. If I fall in love with Jordan and decide to be with her, I could be very satisfied in her small town. She’s amenable to me working in DC three days a week. We’ll make it work.”
“She’s not out yet, and you don’t know how that hick town is going to react. She might even change her mind about the two of you and go back into that wee tiny closet.”
Emmy’s blood pressure was rising, and she stared Becca down. “I won’t abandon her. She’s taken a brave step, and I’ll be there for her. It’s no one’s business what we decide is best for us.” Becca started to open her mouth but Emmy cut her off. “And for your information, we’ve talked about our differences. She is interested in traveling with me and has promised to take more vacations.”
“And what about Jordan? She seems a little more outdoorsy than you. Do you have enough mutual interests to meet her needs?”
This time, Emmy didn’t hold back. She pounded her fist on the table and practically shouted loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear. “What the hell? Is this the Medieval Inquisition? You’ve gone over the line!”
Many more heads turned, and in the commotion, they hadn’t noticed the restaurant supervisor had come up to their table. “Ladies. You two look like bright women to me. Please, control your volume and language, or I’ll have to show you the door. Am I clear?” They nodded like sullen children and went back to silently sipping their tea.
Emmy set her cup down and casually draped her arm across the back of the chair even though she was still hot with anger. The fingers of her other hand aimlessly drummed on the tabletop as she glared at Becca. Never had they fought like this before, and Becca had never been so personal or so cruel. What gives her the bloody right to talk to me that way? What’s stuck up her arse?
Becca broke the ice after several minutes and reached out for Emmy’s hand. Emmy withdrew, slumped back in the chair, and defiantly crossed her arms over her chest.
“I’m sorry, Em. I had no right talking to you in that tone.”
“Damn right,” Emmy tersely replied. She had calmed down a smidgen but was
still fuming.
“You’ve got to think about these things before—”
Emmy bristled and leaned forward. “Before what?” she replied quietly through gritted teeth.
Becca let out a long breath and bit her lip. “Before you fall in love and move here permanently. It may be too late judging by the interaction between you two. I’ve never seen you so…so enamored with anyone else before except Heather. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s been such a short time. Again, I’m sorry. I just met Jordan and should not have jumped to a big conclusion in a shitty manner. Please, be careful. Take it slow. Make sure. I don’t want to see you hurt.”
“I’m a big girl, Becca.”
“Yeah. Again, sorry. I care too much for you. Forgive your bestie, please.”
“Apology accepted.” Emmy’s body relaxed some, but her muscles were still tight. She pointed a finger at Becca and said in a loud whisper, “Don’t ever again presume to tell me how I feel or what would make me happy. This isn’t a rebound relationship if that’s what you think.”
Becca raised both hands. “Fair enough.”
“No, seriously, Becca. We’ve been best friends for how many years? Even best friends change and grow over time. It was you and Heather who loved to dance. I could take or leave the clubs and the city. And West Virginia is not Siberia. As far as Jordan, I’ve made it abundantly clear that I like hiking, but I draw the line when sleeping in a tent. She picks the hikes, and I pick the hotel.”
Becca chuckled. “With a world-class spa of course,” she said through a wide grin.
Emmy finally softened. “Absolutely. A girl has to have her wine, massage, facial, and manicure.” Emmy smiled and picked up her napkin, throwing it at Becca who was still chuckling. She didn’t dare confirm Becca’s suspicion that indeed, she was already crazy in love with Jordan. Instead, she spoke of today’s impending tasks. “Now, let’s talk about more pleasant things, or you’ll have to find another ride to Dulles.” She lowered her voice. “I know. Maybe I’ll get you in the car, go to the backroads, dump your arse, and make you walk.”
After a few seconds, Becca reached out her hand. Emmy accepted and let her anger go. They had been friends too long to let this come between them.
Chapter Eighteen
They had met over two months ago, and since New Year’s Day, Jordan had spent practically every spare minute with Emmy. As each day passed, it was getting harder to hide her glee, and Emmy didn’t deserve to be in the shadows. Jordan made a solemn promise to change next month. Today, Emmy had agreed to be introduced as a friend at the family gathering.
It dawned on Jordan that this was the first time she had brought a friend over in years. Of course, she didn’t feel the day they hit the deer counted nor the dinner with Becca, Robby, and Linda. Overall, Jordan was pleased that she was not freaking.
As Emmy drove past the road to Gwyneth’s house, Jordan said, “Where are we going?”
“I promised to pick up the project notes for Betty Jean. Remember? That’s why I wanted to leave early.”
“Oh, yeah.” But when Emmy turned into the state park, Jordan’s throat constricted.
“The woman left them at the desk of the lodge. It shouldn’t take too long.”
Driving slowly up the windy road, one of the park’s best scenic points was on the passenger side. Jordan felt her breathing nearly stop. It was the spot where some friends took the Polaroid of her and Karen. Other than the high school yearbooks, the Polaroid was the only photo Jordan had left. Jordan touched her pinky ring that Karen had given her as a birthday gift, closed her eyes, and leaned her forehead against the window.
Emmy touched her hand. “Are you still nervous? We could have a drink at the lodge then head over to your mum’s house.”
“No. It’s okay.”
Jordan remembered what she had learned from the book Learning to Fall: The Blessings of An Imperfect Life. It essentially said that when we let go of fear and embrace love and compassion, we can stand at the gateway of the present and open ourselves to the gifts that life has to offer. Acceptance is beginning to live fully. She opened her eyes then reached over and brushed Emmy’s cheek with her fingertips. The day would come when she would let go and tell Emmy and others about Karen. Right now, she had to tackle one thing at a time, and today, she was determined they would enjoy themselves. It was a setting where Emmy and the family could start to get to know one another before Jordan dropped the big bomb.
“Jordan. Oh, Jordan.” Emmy snapped her fingers to break her trance. “We’re here.”
“Ah, sorry. You were saying something.”
“I was saying that Betty Jean and I saw your mum with Carter’s children the other day in the grocery store. They’re cute and well behaved.”
Jordan smirked. “They are cute but as for well behaved”—she sighed—“they can be a challenge. At Mom’s house, they turn wild because she spoils them rotten. I have some earplugs in the glove box if you’d like to bring them along.”
“Amusing. I’m sure tonight will be fun.”
While Emmy seemed to be looking forward to the evening, Jordan’s thoughts kept running a million miles a minute as she wondered how they would receive Emmy. Her body was beginning to tense up.
Emmy laid her hand on Jordan’s leg. “Take a couple of deep breaths. It’s only dinner.”
Jordan managed a lukewarm smile as they got out. Once inside, Emmy was a social butterfly. She even seemed to get Gerry to relax a bit. Also, everyone was interested to know how Betty Jean was getting along.
Jordan walked up to Carter when everyone was distracted. “When did Dave start coming to dinner?”
“This is the first time he’s been to a family dinner besides community BBQ. I wonder if he and Mom are dating.”
Jordan choked on her drink. “You’re joking, right?”
“Why? Doesn’t Mom deserve some happiness?”
“Of course she does but,” she stumbled over her words before finally spitting out, “we hardly know him.”
“Yes, but from the looks of it, Mom seems to know him pretty well.” Carter grinned widely as he stressed his last words. “And I’m betting you’re a little uncomfortable with the thought of Mom having a physical relationship.”
Jordan’s face contorted. “Ah…I…okay, you’re right. Don’t need that visual. New subject.” Jordan was about to say something else before they were called to the dinner table.
Everyone was warm and receptive. Gerry and Anne were their usual reserved and standoffish selves. While the kids usually did not eat with the adults, tonight they were sitting nearby at makeshift tables. The youngest were acting as if they had eaten only sugar all day. The noise ground on Jordan’s nerves. She guessed Grammy and Poppa had turned down their hearing aids.
Dinner went smoothly but the kids became excited again with the cutting of the cake. The noise level was now out of control. Gwyneth stood and tried to calm them down but was unable to control the ruckus kids.
Dave stood. “If you all don’t hush up, there’ll be no cake and ice cream for any of you. I’ll take it all home. Now, please sit and use your indoor voices.” The kids instantly sat at attention.
At six foot four inches with a deep rich voice, Dave was a guy who commanded attention. Jordan had met him on a few occasions when he was working at her mom’s house. Damn, Carter must be right. I wonder how long they’ve been dating.
The kids were relatively calm now as they stuffed cake into their mouths. Dave smiled and motioned to Gwyneth.
She rose, gazed into Dave’s eyes, and was now glowing. “I have an announcement to make.”
Oh, shit.
“I want to thank you all for coming tonight. Other than major holidays, it’s rare that we are all together. Emmy, welcome to our home.” She raised her glass. “A toast to the family and friends, and good health and happiness to all. Cheers.”
Everyone raised their glasses or coffee cups. “Cheers.”
> Gwyneth did not sit down. “I also want you all to know that Dave is much more than my friend. We’ve been seeing one another for over a year.” She brought Dave’s hand to her lips. “I’m a lucky woman. This kind man makes me very happy, and I want you to know that we’re getting married.”
Everyone gushed with good wishes but Jordan. She made no attempt at hiding her slack-jawed expression. Emmy sharply elbowed her to wake up. Jordan mumbled, “Congratulations,” trying to sound sincere but could not ignore the thoughts tumbling around her brain. Christ, Mom’s sixty-eight. I don’t need a dad.
After the dessert plates had been taken away, Gerry focused his attention on Jordan. “Well, Jordan. You’re the last one. Looks like Mom’s going to tie the knot before you even get serious. Why don’t you relax a bit and take some time off from that restaurant? You deserve a good man, and I’m sure Mom would enjoy more grandchildren.”
Jordan bristled at the comment and said nothing. Carter never stuck his nose in Jordan’s business, but Gerry was another matter. He also brought men around the restaurant from time to time to introduce them.
“Cat got your tongue? Why you’ll be forty soon. You should date and hook someone. You’re almost too old to start a family.”
Jordan wanted to reach out and smack her brother. Instead, she glared at him.
Gwyneth stepped in. “Gerry, that’s enough, and stay out of her business.”
“Mom, it’s true. If she doesn’t do something soon, she’ll be too old to have children. How about you, Emmy? Got a fella back in England?”
Carter rose from his chair. “I think I’ll have another piece of cake. Anybody else?” The kids went nuts drowning out Gerry. Anne stepped in, said no, and sent them out of the room.
Thank God. Jordan exhaled. They don’t need to be wound up anymore. They rushed out, and it was quiet once more.