Falling for Love Page 8
“So what devious tales has my mother spun?”
“Oh, the usual. Putting a fake mouse and spider around the house to freak her out. The time you put superglue on the ATV and Carter had to crawl out of his pants to get off. Dunking the SweeTART in the aquarium. The time you got a speeding ticket and put extra crushed red peppers in the lasagna for retaliation. I hear the police stopped you frequently after that and issued you warnings.”
“How long have you been talking?”
“Oh, a couple of hours.” Emmy burst out in laughter. “All right, it’s been less than an hour but an immensely entertaining hour.” She dragged the last words out in a playful tone.
“Yeah, paybacks can be torture. I’m sure Betty Jean has some great stories about you.”
Gwyneth watched the banter between the two. She noticed how Jordan warmed up to Emmy with a bright smile and how she placed her hand on top of Emmy’s when she threatened to get information out of Betty Jean on Emmy.
Jordan hadn’t socialized much since returning from Spain. Now here she was basking in the glow of Betty Jean’s niece after having known her for only a short time. Seeing the undeniable chemistry between the two, Gwyneth decided that if Jordan hadn’t broached the subject of her dating and sexuality before her birthday, she would.
Gwyneth’s thoughts were broken when Jordan asked, “Mom, why do you have so much toast and fruit? This is enough for a small army.”
She smiled and placed a cup of coffee in front of Jordan when a knock came at the door. “That would be Betty Jean and Elizabeth.”
Gwyneth and her older sister Elizabeth were Betty Jean’s best friends from all the way back to elementary school. The door opened, and the three women hugged as if they hadn’t seen each other for years. Not forgetting their good manners, Jordan and Emmy rose and greeted everyone. The coffee flowed as they jabbered away. Soon, Jordan tried to excuse herself by saying how busy the restaurant was on Friday. She swore they needed her at work. When she asked for the keys to the Outback, she got an earful.
“Sit down and relax, Jordan Marie García Simón, or you’ll be walking home.”
“It’s nearly nine, and I don’t want to leave the crew shorthanded.”
With a look that would make anyone think twice, Gwyneth held up her hand. “I’ve already called Robby. He’s expecting you late. Now please sit down and join us.”
“Yes, please,” Emmy chimed in. “You know I’ll be leaving in a few weeks to house hunt in Washington DC and stop by the new job. I’d like to enjoy your company for as long as possible.”
Jordan immediately broke into an impish grin and sat back down. The reaction did not go unnoticed. Gwyneth looked at Betty Jean, who raised one eyebrow and slightly tilted her head as if to confirm her suspicions.
Elizabeth seemed unfazed and went over to the coffee pot to help herself. All the time, she jabbered about the local gossip. Something about the state police office in town. “Well, the new twenty-something trooper is a graduate of the WV State Police Academy. She’s pretty with her hair in a bun but in a buff masculine way. She’s toned and looks like she means business.”
Jordan jumped in. “What are you talking about, Auntie? Did you get a speeding ticket again? Been out drag racing Uncle’s F-150?”
“Well, I did get a warning. I was only going ten miles over.” Everyone snickered while Elizabeth remained solemn. “Anyway, she’s a sharp-dressed woman. The scuttlebutt is she’s a lesbian. A butch. Kind of out of place for our small rural town. Not that I think that’s bad but it’s sort of uncharacteristic for these parts. That’s more a city thing.”
Gwyneth immediately chastised her sister. “Elizabeth! I think that’s inappropriate to spread rumors about someone. People should not be speculating or revealing someone’s private business. Besides, what if you’re wrong? Sexual orientation has nothing to do with how she performs her job. I’m just happy we’ve finally got a woman trooper stationed in the county.”
“Hear, hear. I couldn’t agree more.” Betty Jean held up her mug. “I, for one, am tired of people putting labels on others. People need to get over their obsession with being gay or straight.”
Gwyneth watched as Betty Jean discreetly glanced at Emmy and Jordan. Emmy sat undisturbed while Jordan jammed some toast in her mouth followed by a big gulp of coffee.
Elizabeth looked at her good friend. “Why, Betty Jean, it’s been ages since we’ve been together, and I’ve missed you so much. Do you secretly have a thing for me?”
Betty Jean cocked an eyebrow as if she was about to make one of her famous smart-ass remarks when Elizabeth chuckled.
“Things like that don’t bother me. It’s just that—” Elizabeth hesitated as she looked uncomfortable. “The rumor came from Gerry. He was over with one of the other fellas from his church. They were helping me move some furniture. I’m afraid their viewpoint and language were rougher than what I’ve said.”
Everyone could feel the tension in the air. Gwyneth sighed. “I’m sorry to hear that. Despite my best efforts, Gerry seems to have chosen the road of intolerance toward those who think differently.” She frowned for a moment. “He’s even tried to judge some of my behavior. I hope that God one day shows him a lesson and softens his heart. I have little patience with bigotry and prejudice. It breaks my heart that he is bent on following a path of his interpretation on righteousness and imposing it on others.”
“I smell cinnamon rolls in the oven,” Emmy said abruptly.
“Oh my Lord, I forgot them.” Gwyneth jumped up and nearly knocked over her chair. She retrieved them from the large stove. “Not too bad but a little on the well-done side.”
“I’m sure they’ll taste wonderful, Mom,” Jordan replied while Elizabeth launched into more idle chatter as she helped Gwyneth with the rolls.
Out of nowhere, Jordan felt Emmy’s hand on her knee under the table. Emmy leaned over and whispered, “You have a wonderful mum even though I would have liked better circumstances.” She squeezed Jordan’s knee and left her hand in place causing the rush of warmth and tingling up through Jordan’s core.
Oh my God, could this get any more awkward? Jordan swallowed, shoved more food in her mouth, and wiggled her leg to signal Emmy to remove her hand.
“Tell us, girls. What happened yesterday with the deer?” Betty Jean had been paying more attention to them than the others.
Elizabeth stopped her chatter. “Deer? You didn’t hit another one did you, Jordan?”
Jordan hung her head. “Yes, the deer got me again. My SUV might be totaled.” Jordan once again breathed a sigh of relief as the conversation headed away from social issues. That was all it took, and soon the discussion was all over the map from the new car dealership to plans to expand the high school.
After a couple hours had passed, Jordan was stern about leaving this time. Her mom reluctantly relinquished the Outback keys. As she put on her coat, Emmy volunteered to walk her out.
Outside, Emmy said, “I’ve had a marvelous time over the last twenty-four hours except for hitting the deer. I would kiss you, but that picture window in the kitchen would give too much of a show for the ladies.”
“So when am I going to see you again? You still owe me dinner and a movie. I’m not going to lose you to the new state trooper am I?”
“Well, I do love women in uniform, and you’ll be busy in DC soon.”
Emmy gave Jordan a punch on the shoulder. “We talked on the hike about long weekend visits. I’m going to hold you to that promise.”
Jordan swallowed hard and her eyes moistened. “I’ve done some shitty things in the past. Hurt myself the most and only made it worse by pushing everyone away. I thought I’d never care again until I met you. You’re too good to lose. Yet it scares the shit out of me with you going away in March.”
“It’s only part-time. I’m not giving up on us. There is an us, isn’t there?”
As Jordan rubbed away the tears t
hat were threatening to fall, a wild grin formed on her face. “Yeah. There sure is.”
Emmy’s hand trailed down Jordan’s jaw but then fell to her side. “Not being able to show affection around others kills me, but I understand what you’ve been through. I’m willing to wait. Just a tiny bit longer.”
Jordan glanced back at the house. Betty Jean and Elizabeth were jabbering away with their backs toward them. Her mother was at the sink looking out. She waved then sat. Jordan didn’t feel alarmed even though her mother had probably seen the interaction between them. She thought back on all of the signals along the way. Maybe Mom does know.
Jordan poked at the cold brown winter grass through the snow with the tip of her boot. “Dinner at my house Monday night?” Without waiting for a reply, Jordan ventured out of the closet. She grabbed Emmy’s face with both hands and planted a longer sensual kiss on her lips. Before releasing, she sucked in Emmy’s bottom lip.
Emmy’s face ignited in happiness, and she gushed, “I think that’d be lovely, Ms. Simón. Your brave side is intoxicating. For now, I’ll resist responding. After all”—she winked—“you need to build up your stamina because I intend to see more of that side.”
Jordan waggled her eyebrows and climbed into the Outback and started it up. Rolling down the window, she brazenly joked, “And don’t forget to wear a costume. Something with a uniform and handcuffs.”
“Really?” Emmy rolled her eyes. “And what costume will you be wearing?”
“Umm, haven’t made up my mind.”
Emmy made her way back to the house, but before she had a chance to take off her coat, Betty Jean was rising.
“We should be going, dear. You’ve had a rough couple of days, and I have some shopping to do before going home. You’re my driver because I’m too tired. Elizabeth, are we dropping you home?”
“If Gwyneth doesn’t mind, I’ll stay and catch up a bit and have her take me home.”
After the customary goodbye hugs and kisses on the cheek, Gwyneth paused with her hands clasped in Emmy’s hands. “I’m delighted my daughter has met an interesting new friend. You’ll have to go on more hikes and other events. She works too many long hours. Hopefully, you won’t disappear when you start your job.”
“Not to worry. I will be visiting Oakville.”
“Yes. Visit and visit often. You’re always welcome.” Gwyneth glanced around at the other women. “That goes for you all too. Let’s spend more time together. Life’s too short. I was thinking about having family and friends in a couple of weeks for an early Sunday supper. Say beginning at three. You’re all invited. The more the merrier. You too, Emmy.”
The women enthusiastically agreed. Emmy would cut short her DC house hunting and rearrange her plans if necessary. She liked Gwyneth and felt the generosity and caring that Gwyneth exuberated. She saw that same spark in Jordan.
Emmy tried to focus as she drove, but the past twenty-four hours had been a rollercoaster of events. Her body tingled at the mere thought of Jordan’s dinner invitation. Monday night could not arrive soon enough.
At the stop sign, she became aware that Betty Jean was staring at her. “What store do you want to visit? You do realize I haven’t taken a shower since yesterday morning and I’m still wearing the same clothes.”
Betty Jean smirked. “That’s nothing new around here. Besides, I have to pick up a few groceries unless you want to eat in town every day.” She reached over and without warning, gently smacked Emmy upside the back of her head.
“Ouch, what’s that for?”
“She’s younger than you by probably fourteen or fifteen years.”
“Twelve to be precise. Besides, age isn’t everything. She’s intelligent, talented, and a caring soul.”
“Not to mention she’s one of the most beautiful women for miles around with warm brown eyes, a smile that melts everyone’s heart, and a fit, athletic body.”
“That too.” Emmy gave her aunt a devilish grin.
“Keep your eyes on the road and watch out for deer.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Are you sure she isn’t just experimenting?”
Emmy gave her a sideways glare. “I don’t tell secrets, but I assure you that she is one hundred percent lesbian.”
They drove in silence for a bit before Betty Jean turned serious. “Take it slow. Make sure you both are going in the same direction. If she comes out then, it will likely be because of you. It isn’t easy being gay around here. I don’t think her family would have much of an issue except Gerry.”
“I believe you once referred to him as Mr. Know-It-All.”
“Yes, he’s a frequent equal-opportunity offender to a lot of folks. The more he proselytizes, the more folks get tired of his mouth. I know you’re not one who hurts and runs, but be extra careful. She’s a wonderful person, and you both deserve some long overdue happiness.”
“I couldn’t agree more. We’re adults, and you have to have some faith.” Emmy caught her aunt’s quick, troubled glance. “Auntie, what else is bothering you?”
“Truth be told, I’m not worried about your age difference so much as the fact that you love Europe, and I believe Jordan is now home for good. Do you think you might consider living on this side of the pond? I mean permanently because I don’t think Jordan wants to move again.”
“I’m serious about Jordan. I’d like to become a couple that does not hide our love. As long as she’s willing to visit then I don’t see a problem living permanently in America. I don’t want either of us cut off from friends and family. You know how I like to travel. I want to visit the Grand Canyon, Seattle, California, lots of places while I’m living here.”
“Yes, but you may have to rethink that since Jordan doesn’t travel much.”
“Traveling for fun is different. We’ve both talked about it. Don’t worry, Auntie.”
“It’s not you two I’m worried about. There are crazies around here. Be cautious.”
Chapter Twelve
“Jordan, someone’s out front for you.”
Putting up her hand to cover her mouth since it was full of carrots, she muttered, “Who?”
“Just put aside the paperwork and get out there.” Robby smacked her back.
At three o’clock, there weren’t many people eating lunch, and by Robby’s tone, she knew whoever was waiting for her. She grinned when she saw Carter in a booth shoving empañadas into his mouth. Her little brother could sure pack it away. She gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek.
Carter was a sweetheart who owned a handmade furniture shop and ran Poppa and Grammy’s apple orchard. A happy guy who cared more about the quality of his work and his relationship with people than money. He was devoted to his wife, Angie, and their two young children with all his heart.
Around a mouthful, he mumbled, “You know I love the potato and chorizo ones, but this new smoked rib eye and goat cheese one is the bomb.”
“What brings you in today, bro? You usually visit with Angie and the kids, and I’m lucky to see you here once a month.”
“Ah, you know I miss my big sister.”
“Liar. You know you came here to stuff your face. If you keep eating like that, I’m going to go bankrupt since you get the family discount.” She reached over and snatched one off his plate.
“Hey, get your own!” Carter swatted her hand away.
“I’m sure you’ve got more on the way.” As if like magic, the waiter brought out a platter of garlic shrimp, olives, and stuffed mushrooms and left them both iced tea. “You’re going to eat all that? No, don’t answer but do tell me what’s dragged you away from the farm.”
When he stopped eating, swigged his iced tea, and looked up at her, she expected the worst. “I have no idea why, but Gerry called the other day. He wants to talk to me. Do you know what’s going on?”
“Me? Are you serious? To him, you and I must be lost causes, forever to burn with all the other heathens. Maybe
he wants to talk dude stuff.”
Carter rolled his eyes. “He called the house instead of the workshop, darn well knowing I wouldn’t be in the house. More like mining for information. Angie answered the phone and said he sounded sincere.” Carter punctuated the word with hand quotation gestures and a sharp tone. “After he asked how the kids were doing, she told him about the after school club today. At which, he asked to come over and see me in private.” Aware of his surroundings, Carter leaned over and said in a whispered shout, “Like what the hell, ask my wife, not me? And arrange it while she is out?” He wiped his mouth and threw his napkin down.
Jordan wasn’t sure what to say. As she tried to listen, the waiter sat a big guy down in a booth on the opposite side. She glanced over as Carter carried on. An awful chill ran down her spine. The guy from the gym was in the booth perusing the menu with his sunglasses on. His hair and beard were still ragged. From her angle, she could see the knee ripped out in his jeans, but his white T-shirt looked clean today. A camouflage jacket hung on the booth hook. What’s with the fucking sunglasses inside? Who is this guy? She refocused on Carter.
“Anyway, Angie agreed. Now she’s going to dinner at her parents’ house with the kids in case we need quality time.”
Carter’s hand gestures revealed his perturbed mood, but Jordan couldn’t concentrate. The creepy guy’s presence rattled her hard. She glanced over again. Her breath and heart nearly stopped. He was leaned back partially against the wall at an angle looking directly at her. She finally tore her gaze away. Fear ran from her head down to her toes. As Carter jabbered on, she racked her brain but could not recall ever seeing the stranger until recently. Her heart beat rapidly, and her breathing was shallow. Using her peripheral vision, she looked at him again, careful not to turn her head. The jerk sipped his drink but hadn’t changed positions.
“Did you hear me?” Carter nudged her hand.
Jordan had lost track of what he had said. Looking helplessly at her brother, she finally mumbled, “So what do you think he wants?” As the words left her mouth, she knew the question was about the creep as much as it was about Gerry.