Falling for Love: A Winter Romance Page 7
“The important thing is, you figured it out. We all have our share of hard knocks. Life goes on.”
“How about you?” Jordan said, wanting to get off the topic fast. “Have you always wanted to be in finance?”
“I worked my way up to managing one of the most lucrative mutual funds at a private firm in London, but success does not bring happiness.” Emmy shook her head. “The hours were long, and some clients were a pain. And the men. Jesus, they’d hit on me when no one was around. About a year after Heather died, I snapped and quit.” She bit her lip and drew her knees to her chest. “Of course, a big factor in my decision to leave was when my boss grabbed my breasts from behind and told me he could make me straight. I could have sued. Instead, I punched him and walked out the door.”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
Emmy casually bumped her shoulder and gave her a sideways grin. “Yeah, but I enjoyed giving him a bloody nose. Luckily, my friend Becca and another wealthy client also broke with the firm. They retained my services as a private consultant and kept my financial ass from falling off a cliff.”
“How did you get the job at Fairbury International Bank?”
“They offered me a part-time job working on global projects to help impoverished nations. After six months, they moved me into a full-time position, raised my salary, and put me in charge of the India sector. I soon learned that getting sucked into the management vortex was not what it seemed.” She shrugged. “I may have been in charge at the office, but the country’s overall conservative view of women as mothers and homemakers made it challenging to do business. When the part-time position in Washington DC became available, I nailed the interview.”
“You seem extremely comfortable in your skin. When did you come out?”
Emmy arched her eyebrows. “Lots of questions. Is this how you interview for the position of main squeeze?”
“Sorry. Just curious.” Jordan wet her lips. “Besides, the position’s yours if you want it.”
“Oh, really?” Emmy reached over and lightly tickled Jordan.
“Yes,” Jordan giggled. “Now answer the question, please. I want to get to know you better.”
Emmy grew serious before answering. “I told my family and a few close friends in university and opened up completely at work when I met Heather. I wanted the world to know I loved her. After her death”—Emmy swallowed—“I worked too much trying to bury the pain. Excessive work is not a remedy. It’s avoidance.”
Emmy’s words rang true. Jordan hung her head and whispered, “Yeah, guilty as charged. After the club scene, work became my drug. And continuing to bash my head against the wall is no remedy.”
“I take it you’re referring to one-night stands and not dancing.”
Jordan swallowed hard and nodded.
“You really tensed up when I mentioned the club at the spa. And you did it right now.”
Jordan straightened her spine and faced Emmy. “I was stupid. I thought as long as both parties were single and agreed, that it would—” She blew out a long breath. “The momentary thrill never balanced things out. It made me feel worse, and I want you to know that time in my life is over. I don’t want a casual relationship.”
“Good, because I’d drop your ass if your intentions were only for sex. I want the whole package. The friendship, the caring partner, and yes, I’ll take the passion. But! I do not share. I’m into monogamous relationships.”
“I want that, too. I have no intention of ever going back to the club scene. Oh and…ah…I’ve had two physicals since then and I’m healthy.”
“Nice to know. I am too. And thank you for your honesty. It pisses me off to date then find out something is being intentionally concealed. I don’t get that with you. I believe your sincerity. You’re a little reserved but kindhearted. Have faith and don’t give up. Once you let go and forgive yourself, things will get better.”
Jordan’s gaze slowly moved from Emmy’s face to her hands. “Meeting you has given me more of a reason. Your confident personality is a turn-on.”
“And what was that eye movement up and down my torso?”
Jordan looked back out to the valley and twisted her mouth trying to stop a gleeful expression but said nothing.
“Uh-huh. So, you only like me for my personality?”
“Well, you are gorgeous.” Jordan tried to look at Emmy out of the corner of her eye.
Emmy’s voice was throaty and low. “What’s my best physical feature?”
Jordan was now sporting a wicked grin as she squirmed. “You don’t mince words and get right to the point.”
“Honesty, remember? After all, this isn’t the first time you’ve looked me over.” She inched closer. “Not that I mind.”
“You were at the gym in some rather tight-fitting clothes.”
“And?” Emmy’s grin was wide.
“You were very sexy.”
“And?” As Emmy drew out the word, her fingertips played with Jordan’s hair and moved down to her earlobe and cheek.
When Emmy firmly grasped her chin, Jordan said, “You fill out your T-shirt nicely.” Emmy cocked one eyebrow forcing Jordan to go on. “And yes, you were in an awesome bathing suit at the spa. I like breasts, okay?”
Emmy chuckled. “Well, thank you. I think you’re sexy, and I love everything from your rich brown eyes to your lean legs. But remember, I want the whole package. And I thoroughly enjoy teasing you, but I can stop if it’s bothersome.”
Normally, anyone playing with her would piss Jordan off. For some reason, it made Emmy more endearing and it was a huge turn-on.
“No. I like it, and you seem to know when and where you can turn up the heat.”
“By the way, Jordan, I hear your fortieth birthday is coming up.”
“February the eighteenth, and you’re what? In your late forties?”
“And if I wasn’t?”
Jordan shrugged, “No big deal.”
“I’ll be fifty-two in September.”
Jordan wrapped her hand around Emmy’s neck and pulled them together. “Twelve years. I don’t care. Life’s short. I enjoy being with you, and I want the whole package.”
She kissed Emmy with intense hunger. As lips and tongues explored, a few wind gusts reminded them it was still winter. They packed up and headed down. In sections that were broad enough to stroll side by side, they held hands. The stroking of hands and small talk could not conceal the pent-up desire.
“So, what did you think of the hike?” Jordan asked as she unlocked the SUV.
“We’ve got about an hour before sunset. Let’s get back and cook some dinner.”
“Only dinner?” Emmy feigned a pout.
Jordan wanted to take Emmy right then and there but suppressed her animal instincts. “Well, I can fix something a lot nicer than peanut butter sandwiches. I baked a moist cake that we can eat with a chocolate drizzle. We could eat it anywhere you like,” Jordan said with a devilish “I dare you” look that left plenty of room for innuendo.
Emmy ran with it. “Anywhere in the house? Anywhere with the drizzle? With fingers or without?” She leaned in and spoke in a low, sultry voice. “My tongue wouldn’t let any little drop of goodness get away.”
Jordan cleared her throat. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure of it.” She pulled the SUV onto the road.
“No worries.” Emmy placed her hand on Jordan’s upper thigh and gave a little squeeze. “I can wait.”
Removing Emmy’s hand, Jordan grinned ear to ear. “Of course, I’d be more than happy to skip dinner and go straight to chocolate drizzle. First, you have to keep your hands to yourself. I can’t drive if you touch me. Deal?”
“If you insist.”
The setting sun painted the sky in a warm orange blaze. They stole glances of one another between bouts of laughter and stories. Lust was building, but this time, Jordan felt much more. She had never been this at ease and happy.
Within a split second, she saw motion out of the corner of her eye, but it was too late. A deer streaked past. The SUV scarcely missed the deer’s hindquarter. Relief lasted with a blink of an eye as another deer appeared in front of them. The air bags deployed. Seat belts cut into their shoulders. The vehicle shook as loud crunching sounds and thuds underneath racked their senses. They were jarred to reality—a reality like a carnival ride gone terribly wrong—a mixture of disorientation, adrenaline, and fear that brought a prompt sickness to the stomach and panic to the mind.
Through it all, Jordan maintained control of the SUV and pulled off the road before blurting out. “Son of a bitch! Second time in fifteen months. You okay?”
By the time Emmy said, “I think so,” Jordan was looking her over carefully.
Emmy’s eyes were wide and her skin was ashen. Jordan put her hands on Emmy’s face. “It’s going to be okay. I want you to gently move your head from side to side and up and down. Stop if you feel any pain. Tell me every little thing.”
When she was satisfied that Emmy was not injured, Jordan jumped out and put up safety flares, called for help, and inspected the vehicle. The damn thing was probably totaled. Jordan opened the door, and Emmy’s head turned at the loud creak. While some of Emmy’s color had returned, she still looked distressed.
Jordan settled in and reassured Emmy. “The state police and EMTs are on the way. Standard procedure. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“You’ve hit deer before?” Emmy uttered, her shaky voice full of fear.
“Unfortunately, yes. It’s common around here. Most people will hit one or two in their lifetime, but lucky me, they seem to like my vehicles.”
Emmy peered out over the dented hood. “Is the damage bad?”
“Besides the crumpled front, the bumper’s been partially ripped off. If you think that’s bad, the underside of the vehicle has taken a beating and fluid is leaking.”
“Not drivable?”
Jordan chuckled. “Not a good idea. Look on the bright side. I’ll be getting a new vehicle.”
“I would have preferred you getting one a different way.”
“So would I. At least we’re okay.” She tucked a strand of Emmy’s hair behind her ear and embraced her.
The state police and medical arrived followed by Doc Albertson.
“Good evening, Doc.”
“Evening, Jordan. Let’s get you both in the back of the ambulance for a quick check.”
The EMT checked Jordan out in silence while Doc introduced himself to Emmy. She could feel the worry lines intensify on her forehead, but her concern eased as she watched them. Doc was charming Emmy. They chatted like old friends as he took Emmy’s vitals and ran down the standard checklist. When he whispered something in her ear, Emmy threw her head back and laughed. Jordan was instantly relieved and her muscles relaxed some.
“And how’s the cantankerous one over here?” he asked, pointing to Jordan.
“I’m not difficult. Really I’m not.” Jordan countered.
Emmy snickered. “That’s not what I hear.”
Doc nodded. “Call me if anything changes, and I expect to see you both by close of business tomorrow.” He patted Emmy’s hand. “An extra precaution, my dear. You know the tenacity in the ornery one there can run deep.”
“We will,” Emmy said as they both eyed Jordan.
Jordan felt like a little kid again. “I’m…well…maybe a little stubborn, but I promise.”
“I know you prefer seeing Dr. Beth. She’ll be back tomorrow. Now get on outta here and get some rest.”
Emmy cocked one eyebrow sharply. Jordan shrugged as her lips slightly curled.
By the time the paperwork was done, they were drained. The state trooper offered them a ride to Jordan’s mother’s house. Before he got in, Emmy said, “Tell me more about Dr. Beth.”
“I like Doc,” Jordan calmly answered, “but he’s in his seventies and it’s more comfortable with a woman.” Her color drained. “That’s not how I meant it sound. She’s a top graduate of WVU and”—Jordan hesitated while the trooper slid into the driver’s seat then whispered—“we had a long discussion during my spring physical. I was completely honest.”
Emmy rubbed the top of her hand, interlaced their fingers, and squeezed before releasing.
Gwyneth had settled down in her favorite recliner after dinner watching an episode of Downtown Abbey. She was startled by a creaking noise from the kitchen door. Alarm was soon replaced by joy when she saw her daughter’s head poke around the corner. Waving her in, she was happy to see her, and with a friend no less. One she had never met before.
“Hi, Mom.” Jordan hugged her and didn’t let go.
“Is everything all right?” Gwyneth could easily see that both were a little upset.
Jordan unwrapped herself and produced a weak smile. “Hit a deer on 522. Mom, I’d like you to meet Betty Jean’s niece, Emmy Russo.”
“Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Simón.”
“Please call me Gwyneth.”
Gwyneth turned her attention to Jordan, her voice stern. “You need to check in with Doc.”
“He arrived with the medics. Plus, we will pop by tomorrow. I thought I could borrow your old Outback to take Emmy home.”
“Absolutely not. You’ve been through too much tonight. You both look exhausted and shaken. You’re spending the night, period. Now grab some water and go rest in the living room. I’ll fix some tea.” Gwyneth gave her that universal mom look. “Go on.”
On the sofa, Jordan leaned over. “She can be just as bullheaded as Betty Jean.”
“I heard that,” Gwyneth said carrying a tea tray from the kitchen. “My God, have you even eaten anything?”
“Nope, and I’m starved. We climbed up to Cacapon ridge and did the Old Bear scramble today.”
“Please do not go out of your way,” Emmy added. “If you happen to have some wine and snacks, I’d be grateful.”
Gwyneth laughed. “It’s no bother. You girls relax.”
Their eyes were getting heavy when Gwyneth returned with hearty beef stew, homemade bread, and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. They perked up at the smell and dove into the hot meal.
Gwyneth and Emmy hit it off, talking about various BBC shows. Her daughter had finally brought a friend home. She smiled to herself.
After they were finished, Gwyneth noticed yawns and droopy eyelids again. “Time to get some rest, ladies. There’s too much junk piled in the one bedroom, and I’ve partially painted the other spare bedroom. Smells to high heaven. You’ll have to share the full bed in Jordan’s old room. You two don’t mind, do you?”
The wine had apparently loosened their inhibitions and revealed a mixture of emotions. Gwyneth was slightly surprised and amused. Jordan, who had never been skilled at hiding her feelings, had a slight blush, even in the living room dim light. Her smile was forced, and she hesitated. Emmy bit her lip, trying to suppress a grin and not doing a good job of it.
“Yeah sure, Mom,” Jordan answered weakly. “We’ll manage.” Her reaction was almost like when Gwyneth would catch her as a youngster taking cookies without permission.
Emmy seemed clearly delighted. “I’ll make sure she gets a good night’s rest.”
Gwyneth noticed Emmy’s eyes were much more alert than before.
“Good. There’re old T-shirts in the dresser from all you kids. They’ll do in a pinch as a nightshirt, and the heat is turned up to keep us toasty.”
“Sounds heavenly. I’m sure we will be plenty warm. Thank you for the meal and hospitality, Gwyneth.”
Gwyneth walked away pondering the exchange. I wonder if they are more than friends?
Once upstairs, Jordan shut the door, rested her forehead against it, and kept her back to Emmy. “This wasn’t how I imagined our first night together.”
“What? In only a full bed? In a room down the hall from your mum’s master suite? Or using old T-shirts fo
r PJs? We could sleep in the nude. After all, your mum did point out the heat is turned up.”
Jordan swung around to see a delighted Emmy smirking, sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. Jordan spoke in a loud whisper with a tone of panic. “This isn’t funny. I admit I often think about seeing you in the nude and sleeping with you, but my mother is nearby.”
Emmy stood and closed the gap. She placed her hands on Jordan’s hips and pulled her tight, so the tip of their noses touched. Her sweet scent filled Jordan’s nostrils. “Relax. I’m too tired anyway. I am positive though that I will sleep soundly wrapped in your arms.” She tenderly kissed Jordan. “So how about it? Promise to keep me warm and safe if I promise not to take it further?”
Jordan finally melted into Emmy’s embrace. “I’m exhausted. Let’s get to bed. You can have the hall bathroom first. I don’t want to see you nude until I can have you—all of you.”
Emmy pulled away and purred. “Okay, Miss Prim and Proper.”
When they crawled into bed, Jordan worried she would be unable to contain herself, but spooning with Emmy was the most peaceful and comforting thing she had done in a long time. Their embrace was soft and tender as they drifted off to sleep.
Chapter Eleven
When Jordan woke, Emmy was not in bed and her clothes were gone. She dressed and hurried downstairs. Hearing laughter from the breakfast nook, she wondered what her mother and Emmy were talking about.
Emmy brightened when Jordan rounded the corner. “I’ve talked your mum into telling me some of your childhood stories. I hear you were quite the adventurous prankster growing up.”
Jordan shot her mom a glare. “Mother, what have you said about me?”
Gwyneth laughed heartily, stood, and greeted her daughter with a kiss on the cheek. “Oh, stop worrying. Sit down, and I’ll bring you a cup of coffee.”
Jordan gave Emmy a look. All she got in return was a devilish smile. Emmy pointed out the window at the end of the deck. “The goldfinches are beautiful. Nice to have a splash of color with the gray, barren winter trees. They’ve been attacking that seed out there.”